Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sharon Angle Speaks at San Diego’s National Doctors Tea Party

My good friend Tim at Left Coast Rebel who lives in the beautiful city of San Diego filed this report on Sharon Angle.

Don’t believe the false reports coming from the Obama suck-up media concerning Sharon’s run for the senate against Harry Reid in Nevada.

She’s doing just fine thank you because she connects with the overwhelming majority of the American people and the voters of Nevada who have rejected the Obama big government agenda that is sending the country on a glide path to financial ruin just like Greece.

Reid, like all the Democrats can’t run on the Obama record because they know its political suicide. So, instead it’s a diversion and character assassination campaign against Sharon Angle.

But, the voters of Nevada are seeing right through itt.

The Doctors' Tea Party was not organized by local Tea Party groups Tea Party Patriots or the Southern California Tax Revolt Coalition, but many members of these groups were happy to come support this event put on by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. They won't ever have to say, "First, they came for the doctors, and I did not speak out because I was not a doctor..."

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