Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Black Bloggers (Jack and Jill Politics) Tells Obama “We’re not willing to be pimped.”

Poor President Obama, even his own peeps in the blogasphere objected to being “handled” to promote the Obama message.
At a recent gathering at the White House for Black journalists and bloggers, not everything went the way Obama wanted.

As reported in The New York Times:

Jack and Jill Politics also wrote about the feeling among some who attended Monday’s gathering that they were being used for political expediency. “We essentially told the White House that we are not willing to be ‘pimped,’” the blog said. “Oh, we used better articulation, but it was direct and could not be taken out of context, misunderstood or ignored.

Keli Goff, an author and blogger who writes for, a news and opinion Web site aimed at a black audience, agreed with that sentiment. “I respect that the second half of the briefing was off the record, but I feel comfortable enough to say I think we made it clear that we want to be taken just as seriously and receive the same measure of access as the mainstream outlets already do,” she said.

More details here

Where was my invite?


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