Thursday, October 14, 2010

Christine O’Donnell Eludes the Evolution trap and Calls Coons a ‘Marxist’ at Debate

Weasel Zippers says: She’s only telling the truth. Coons is a true-believing Commiecrat…

This was a very deft performance by Christine O’Donnell who didn’t fall in the usual Liberal marginalization trap-Do you believe in evolution? I’ve seen Conservatives stumble over this question for years, but O’Donnell brought it to where the issues should be and stayed on message and rightly nailed Coons who is as Far left a candidate as you can get.

Democrat controlled states like California, New York, and Michigan are being run into the ground as a result of their tax and spend policies.

The New York Times reports that Democratic candidate Chris Coons, left, and Republican candidate Christine O’Donnell wait for the start of a televised Delaware Senate debate at the University of Delaware in Newark, Del.

Christine O’Donnell, the Republican Delaware Senate candidate, and her Democratic opponent, Chris Coons, hurled personal attacks at each other in a nationally televised debate Wednesday night.

A feisty, aggressive Ms. O’Donnell called Mr. Coons a Marxist whose beliefs came from a socialist professor and said he would “rubber stamp” the policies of the Democrats in Washington. Mr. Coons raised questions about whether Ms. O’Donnell’s faith would drive her positions on social issues like abortion, prayer and evolution.

Pressed by CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer, Ms. O’Donnell refused to say whether she believed evolution was a myth, saying that “what I believe is irrelevant.” As she did throughout the first half of the debate, Ms. O’Donnell quickly tried to return the focus to Mr. Coons, saying, “I would argue there are more people who support my Catholic faith than his Marxist belief.”

Mr. Coons responded that the source of her charge – an article he wrote as a student – was “a joke” that his Republican friends at the time conceived when he registered as a Democrat.

“I am not now nor have I been anything but a clean-shaven capitalist,” Mr. Coons said.

Ms. O’Donnell entered the debate as the clear underdog in the polls, trailing Mr. Coons by double digits in many polls. Throughout the face-to-face exchange, Ms. O’Donnell was repeatedly on the offensive, hurling charges that Mr. Coons misspent public money as the top official in one of Delaware’s counties.

More details here


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