Tuesday, October 12, 2010

David Axelrod Still Pushing GOP getting Foreign money allegations to fire up African Americans to Vote

The Lefty Bible, The New York Times, has concluded there is no evidence or bases in fact that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is unlawfully using foreign money to spend on GOP candidates throughout the country.

If the so-called paper of record and other mainstream media outlets aren’t going along with Axelrod, you may wonder why is he continuing this attack?

The answer is simple.

Michelle Obama was a guest on the Micheal Baisden Show this afternoon and at one point in the interview, Baisden injected the topic of foreign money coming into the campaign for Republicans.

Baisden’s show is syndicated in over 70 cities and is very popular in the Black community. If Baisden is parroting Axelrod, other African American DJs across the country are dutifully following suit to spread the word with these scandalous and unfounded allegations.
Axelrod, Obama, and the Dems know that Black folks are easily motivated by sound bites. So it doesn’t matter that none of it is true. The only thing that counts is getting African Americans to vote.

The Plum Line reports that the White House will keep up its assault on outside spending by conservative groups and will continue to press the case about the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's foreign money, despite hints of retreat on the latter issue, senior adviser David Axelrod told me in an interview this afternoon.

Axelrod also took a shot at the fact-checkers at multiple news orgs who have concluded there is no evidence for the White House's broadside at the Chamber, suggesting fact-checkers should be "directing their ire" at the Chamber, rather than "in the wrong direction."

"The fact that these front groups are spending hundreds of millions of dollars from undisclosed sources on attack ads to influence these elections is a serious issue and we're going to continue to raise it," Axelrod told me.

He added: "As we've said from the beginning, the prospect that foreign controlled companies might somehow be involved, this was opened up in the Citizens United debate, and it continues to be a concern."

More details here

If you tell a big lie long enough…


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