Monday, October 11, 2010

A desparate Barack Obama makes racial appeal to Black voters in Philly

Barack Obama made a campaign stop in a mostly African American area of Philadelphia. He didn’t speak about ObamaCare or the billions that have been wasted on a failed stimulus package. And I doubt he trumpeted the 10% unemployment rate that is actually much higher in the ‘hood.

Why bother with the facts when an appeal to a pre-conceived attitude (African Americans are supposed to vote Democrat) will do?

The Politico reports that the White House has hesitated to cast the midterm elections as a referendum on President Barack Obama, except when it comes to one key constituency: African-American voters.

As Obama has steadily increased his outreach to African American voters over the past month. With interviews and campaign stops targeted at the black community – “our community,” as the president likes to say – he has sent a clear signal that this election is about him and his record.

“Two years ago you defied the conventional wisdom in Washington,” Obama told thousands of screaming supporters Sunday at a campaign rally in a predominantly black area of Philadelphia. “They said, ‘No you can’t.’”

“’No you can’t elect a skinny guy with a funny game to the presidency of the United States,’” he added.

“What’d you say?”

“Yes we can!” the crowd, waving “VOTE 2010” signs featuring the Obama 2008 campaign logo, replied.

His voice hoarse, the president pleaded with the Philadelphia audience to defy Washington conventional wisdom again. Head to your beauty shops and your barber shops, and spread the word, he said. But most of all, he said, head to the polls three weeks from now, even though he is not on the ticket.

“They think, ‘Oh Obama’s name’s not on the ballot, maybe they’re not going to turn out,” he said.

“You’ve got to prove them wrong.”

“Don’t make me look bad, now,” he said, urging the mostly African-American audience to vote.

More details here

I’m sure the message was received.


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