Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Chinese Restaurant Waiter Hands Bill To Customer Who Had A Seizure As He's Being Loaded Into An Ambulance

NEWS.COM.AU - A CHINESE restaurant that slapped a customer with the bill as he was being loaded into an ambulance has defended its actions. Onlookers called paramedics when the man fell to the ground suffering an apparent seizure while enjoying dumplings with his friend at Shifu Dumpling Express in Acland St, St Kilda, at about 4.30pm today. As the man was being loaded into the ambulance and his friend was climbing in to join him, a waiter came and handed the friend the bill. Bella, who did not want her surname used, said she was disgusted at the restaurant's actions. "I was so incredulous that it had happened,'' she said. "It wasn't the most expensive restaurant in town, it's a dumpling house and their bill would not have been more than $30. "It was just so inappropriate, I will never go there again.''

Shut the fuck up, Bella. What if the dude was a grifter? If you noticed, the guy's friend got in the ambulance with him. It's the oldest version of "eat it and beat it" in the universe. Total con job. The friend could've settled the bill, but no. He hops in the ambulance with his buddy, they make a break for it at the hospital, and their bellies are full of free dumplings. I know. Been there. Done that. (Well not exactly the seizure thing, but let's just say there were quite a few Chinese restaurant tabs left unpaid back in the day. Hey - shit happens.) I
say give the waiter a raise. Bang. Done. Pay attention!

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