Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Queen Of England Shits All Over America

Last week it was Ireland, when this wrinkle-puss and her slimeball pal Prince Phillip refused to even take a sip of Guinness.  This week it's the good ol' US of A. What kind of bitch directs her minions to start playing the national anthem before the Leader Of The Free World has finished his toast? The balls on this old bag! She's a dried-up old figurehead with no influence in the real world. Does this prune actually still think she has any power?  I have more power than the Queen of England. Obama should've slapped that bitch silly. That's what John Wayne would've done. Then he'd beat the shit out of a few of the men, finish his drink and walk out of the place.  Go fuck yourself, old lady. Pay attention!

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