Friday, May 20, 2011

Virginia Beach Restaurant Owner Accused Of Spanking And Sex Crimes By Three Women

Henry Allen Fitzsimmons, 54, faces multiple charges.

PilotOnline - Three young women who testified at today's preliminary hearing of a Beach restaurateur accused of sexual assault and abduction said they received money from the man as part of a so-called scholarship program and submitted to bare-bottom beatings because they feared him. A General District Court judge determined there was enough evidence to send three charges of object sexual penetration and two abduction charges against Henry Allen Fitzsimmmons, 54, to a grand jury for consideration. The judge also denied bond. Five misdemeanor assault charges were dismissed. The three women -- ages 20, 21 and 22 -- testified Fitzsimmons had offered to pay for them to attend college and provide a weekly allowance of $200 to $300 as part of what Fitzsimmons' called the Spencer Scholarship Program. He would be their mentor and counselor, they said, as long as they abided by his rules. If they broke them, the women testified, or did something he didn't like, Fitzsimmons ordered them to lay across a bed bare-botttomed and whipped them. One woman testified he had also sexually assaulted her on three ocassions. None ever went to college, they said, because Fitzsimmons said they were not ready. Fitzsimmons' attorney, Moody E. "Sonny" Stallings Jr., said the women remained involved with his client long after the alleged spankings began and that they stuck around for the money. Two of the women asked to remain in the Spencer program after he threatened to kick them out, Stallings said. Fitzsimmons owns a bar and grill called Envy at the Oceanfront. One of the accusers went to police because Fitzsimmons had fired her mother from the restaurant, Stallings said.

Of course the Mom got fired.  You can't have her around to witness the spank sessions.  And let's get one other thing straight here.   The chicks were whores.   They took money from ol' Hank and Hank got to spank. (Funny how it's a crime with a rhyme. Wow, I just can't stop myself.)  Anyway, I'm totally on the side of the defense on this one.   These chicks performed a service for pay and for some reason they're trying to get back at Hanker the Spanker.  Now there's no Hanky-Panky for Spanky.  The only problem was he didn't get a signed contract.  Big wonder they never went to college - they're hookers!


Here are some reviews:

" Good food, friendly servers/bartenders, very relaxed " ... "The envy of the whole town " "Great prices on drinks, friendly servers, relaxed atomosphere " ... " A++++++ Good food and very nice people.A lot of sexy ladies" ... "They have great prices on drinks too" ... "Beach heaven "

No word yet on the whether the joint is staying open while Hank takes care of his legal problems.

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