Thursday, December 9, 2010

LeBron James On Twitter - Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

So these are LeBron James' tweets after watching SportCenter (SC).  Dick.  I've had just about enough of this craggy-faced, no-ring, non-clutch, choke-ass, can't-shoot, ego-driven, prima donna, foot-in-mouth, no-clue pussy as I can take.  So King Fucking James is pissed about Trent Dilfer dissin' Peyton Manning cuz he played like shit?  Guess what asswipe, YOU play like shit!  Big LeBron game = big Lebron fail.  As a matter of fact, you and ol' Peyton have more in common than you think.  Manning never won the big game at Tennessee (and only 1 as a pro) and you haven't won the big game yet, you chicken-shit wannabe.  Now here's where Peyton has you beat.  He at least overcame his chokeness and won a Super Bowl.  What about you?  When push comes to shove you're more nervous than a long-tailed pussycat in a room full of rocking chairs.  I got some serious advice for you:  Stop watchin' ESPN, tell your Mom to stay the fuck away from Delonte West, work on your outside shot and start earning a little of the fucking devotion you think you so richly deserve.  Right now, you're the worldwide poster boy for potential and nothing more.  Someone once said that potential is like a great ocean unsailed.  You haven't even left the beach and you sure as hell ain't in the boat.  Shut.  The.  Fuck.  Up.

P.S.  BTW, Trent Dilfer is an outstanding NFL analyst.

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