Sunday, April 17, 2011


Don’t break your neck trying to find this video on MSNBC or the mainstream media. This would fall outside their preconceived templates of depicting all Tea Party members as racists.

Memo to the Left: I’m a Black Latino Yea Party member and at every Tea Party event I’ve been to, I’m treated like a fellow patriot, nothing more, nothing less. And we do a pretty damn good job of getting rid of the jerks in the crowd using Sol Alinsky tactics to disrupt the events. Contrary to what the Left tires to portray, the average Tea Party members are the most informed citizens in the country, hands down!

It’s the Left who leads an army of the most ill-informed useful idiots in the United States—just the way the Left wants them.

Breitbart reports the man is called an "Uncle Tom," and a "Token" interspersed with calls for "Solidarity". Just off camera in the Tea Party is a Mom with her two small children who are black.

The Java ReportLeftists harass a black Tea Party member. But it isn't racism, since one of the thugs joining the harassment happens to be black as well.
Funny, you don't see Tea Party members taunting black leftists because of their race. And yet, it's the Tea Party the media and liberals like to paint as the 'racists.'

Left Coaat RebelThe complete intolerance of many on the left for anyone who dares think and act differently than the prescribed leftist dogma continues. Apparently racism is alive and well in the progressive movement.


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