Thursday, April 7, 2011

Naked Man Caught Running Down LA Highway (PHOTO)

Well, that's one way to beat the morning rush hour: Naked man snapped running down LA freeway

LOS ANGELES - The morning rush hour: Long, boring and inevitable. Except, that is, for the motorists who had the displeasure of sharing the 405 Freeway in Los Angeles with a naked man yesterday. Hundreds took to Twitter to report sightings of a young man running in the middle of the road completely starkers except for a pair of black socks. One even managed to take a picture on his smart phone. It is not exactly clear why the man, who has not been identified, was hurtling down the busy road and he is lucky not to have been knocked down. It wasn't long before the LAPD caught up with him however, but not before he had attacked a woman after exiting the freeway for Santa Monica Boulevard. He was arrested at around 9am for indecent exposure and reportedly taken for a 72-hour mental health assessment. After this time police can decide whether to charge him, release him or apply for more time to hold him. Several witnesses left comments on an LA Weekly blog about the incident. One said they saw the man running in the fast lane where traffic was travelling at 30-40 MPH. 'He looked upset and was reaching for something imaginary out in front of him, as if he was trying to catch it,' they said. While a woman calling herself Lenore claimed she was the one who had been attacked by the man. 'He argued with me for a while and then when I got out my phone to call the cops he grabbed me, grabbed my phone out of my hands, and tried to tug my purse away. 'Luckily another guy helped me get the phone back!' she wrote. She added the man had asked her for money so he could buy clothes and then tried to take her book so he could sell it on eBay. The whole things started, she said, when the man had run into the bonnet of a car and fell onto the pavement. 'I thought he might be hurt because he didn't move for like a minute,' she wrote. Just last week a 63-year-old Kelly Shimizu was killed by a big rig lorry at the same intersection of the 405. And it's not the first time a naked man has caused havoc on that particular freeway. Just last year a 21-year-old man startled drivers about half an hour up the 405 in Cherry Avenue, Long Beach. He was arrested, given a mental health evaluation and was later charged with a misdemeanor for indecent exposure.

I'm surprised this doesn't happen every day. I'm serious. I lived in California for awhile and the traffic on the freeways is absolutely unbelievable. It can literally take hours just to drive a few miles. And while we think we're crazy drivers here in Boston, let me tell ya, they're worse out in Cali. They change lanes without signaling, cut you off without warning and generally drive like total asswipes. Every once in awhile somebody goes nuts in a traffic jam, but I'm here to tell ya I'm shocked it doesn't happen all day every day.  Just hordes of naked humans goin' apeshit runnin' up and down the highways....

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