Friday, April 8, 2011

Video: Dem. Rep Jim Moran tells 27 yr military vet shut up, sit down, or get the hell out!

Nice way for this Democrat to treat one of our heroes. You deep down Dems don’t give a shit about the military.

The Blaze reports that Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA) isn’t known for his friendly comments towards veterans. This is no exception.

While at a town hall meeting last night, Moran got into a heated debate with a someone who identified himself as a 27-year veteran. The veteran was visibly upset that Moran was holding a town hall instead of trying to figure out the budget in Washington. While answering that charge, Moran took a shot at the supposed veteran, calling the man’s question “caustic.” That didn’t sit well with the man, who began a heated back-and-forth with Moran (exchange starts at about 4:00):

That was disgusting!

That congressman needs to be replaced the next election cycle.


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