Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Nudist Hands Out Nude Photo Of Herself To Parents At School

Naturist Anya Petrovic said destruction of the fauna around her home in north Sydney would allow young students a bird's eye view of her sunbaking naked

Nudist hands out flyers with an image of her naked body at school which chopped down trees that shield her back garden

AUSTRALIA - A disgruntled nudist handed out flyers displaying her naked body at a school after trees bordering her home were chopped down. Naturist Anya Petrovic was furious at losing her privacy. She claimed that by removing the trees, the school was presenting young children with the opportunity to get a 'bird's eye view' of her sunbathing naked in her backyard. Ms Petrovic, from Manly Vale, a suburb of northern Sydney, Australia, handed out flyers to parents showing her completely naked except for a black rectangular box covering her privates. The stunt was met with horror by many of the parents - some of whom with children as young as five at the school. 'It's just ridiculous and outrageous to be handing that out,' a mother told the Sunday Telegraph. 'There was a little blacked-out section on the lower part but everything up top was visible. 'To be handing that to parents while you're with your kids - and then they say: "Mummy, what's that?" I just threw it away.' According to Petrovic's husband, Misaj Tomic, also a nudist, the couple were able to sunbathe nude in almost complete privacy for over a decade while the trees were surrounding their garden.

Wait a minute.  Where's the flyer?  I must see the flyer.  Someone get me the flyer like 10 minutes ago.  GET ME THE FLYER!

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