Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Miley Cyrus Gets The Sex Doll Treatment

Miley Cyrus Sex Doll Flying Off Shelves

POPEATER - Can't be tamed is right! As if Miley Cyrus didn't have enough to worry about, now she's got a dirty doppelganger on the market. An inflatable Miley Cyrus sex doll named "Finally Mylie" from Pipedream Products has reportedly become such a hot ticket item that stores can't meet the demand. Pipedream Products' Kevin Johnson says of the doll, "We are completely sold out already -- it's been on the market for less than 48 hours." While the doll, which comes with "3 achey love holes," hasn't caused a legal battle yet, Pipedream is preparing for a backlash. "I have seen those [lawsuit] rumors circling online," says Johnson. "That probably means it will happen soon enough." Although being immortalized in latex probably isn't the legacy Cyrus intended on leaving behind, at least she's in good company: Beyonce, Kim Kardashian, Britney Spears, Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lopez, Sarah Jessica Parker, Lindsay Lohan, Christina Aguilera, Paris Hilton and Jessica Simpson have all received the same treatment.

Do people actually screw these things? I gotta believe most people just collect them as a curiosity and hope to sell 'em as a collectible or on "Antiques Roadshow" right? Because if people are actually screwin' these things it seems pretty perverted. I mean, do they actually believe they're screwin' Miley for a few minutes? I know one thing though, if this doll comes with that grating, whiny, hoarse voice of hers I wouldn't touch it with your dick. Chick sounds like like fingernails on a chalkboard....

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